When you are accused of operating while intoxicated, it means that an officer believes that you were impaired by drugs or alcohol when behind the wheel of your vehicle. This accusation should be taken seriously for several reasons, one of which is that your job or...
Your Guide And Advocate Through Difficult Times
Year: 2021
3 warning signs that your ex wants to alienate you from the kids
Shared custody is often difficult at first, but it gets easier as you adjust to your new situation. Unfortunately, one uncooperative parent can make co-parenting harder for everyone in the family. Some people will be flaky about timing or just disrespectful. Others...
Co-parenting in ways that benefit you, your ex and your child
Being a newly single parent in Michigan isn't easy. You may find it difficult to parent your child with your ex so that everyone can be happy, especially your child. However, it's possible to come up with a good co-parenting plan that works for all of you. Here are...
How is marital property divided in Michigan?
In Clinton Township and the rest of Michigan, marital property gets divided based on a concept known as equitable distribution. This means that you and your spouse's property should get divided fairly. What counts as marital property? Marital property comprises all...
The potential consequences of violating implied consent laws
As a condition of receiving a Michigan driver's license, you must agree to adhere to the state's implied consent rules. Essentially, you agree to submit to chemical testing if an officer believes that you are driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. As a...