Allegations of drunk driving can lead to major consequences. Those convicted of an operating while intoxicated (OWI) offense may have to serve time in jail, pay large fines and endure a lengthy driver's license suspension. Those stopped by police officers due to...
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Criminal Defense
Understanding bail in Michigan
Understanding how bail works can help those who are accused of criminal wrongdoing – and their loved ones – make informed decisions about their rights and options. At its most basic, bail is a set amount of money that acts as insurance between the court and a...
Why a Michigan OWI costs more than you might think
Allegations of operating while intoxicated (OWI) are some of the most common criminal charges pursued in Michigan. Police officers arrest some people during traffic stops and others at the scene of car crashes for allegedly driving after having too much to drink. Many...
Do you really know your Miranda Rights?
Most people don't understand Michigan state law, let alone their rights under the United States Constitution and Bill of Rights. People misunderstand how legal code works or make wildly inaccurate assumptions based on stories they hear on social media or something...
What’s the likelihood of losing your job due to an OWI?
When you are accused of operating while intoxicated, it means that an officer believes that you were impaired by drugs or alcohol when behind the wheel of your vehicle. This accusation should be taken seriously for several reasons, one of which is that your job or...
The potential consequences of violating implied consent laws
As a condition of receiving a Michigan driver's license, you must agree to adhere to the state's implied consent rules. Essentially, you agree to submit to chemical testing if an officer believes that you are driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol. As a...